Parution – Philosophy as a Way of Life: Ancients and Moderns. Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot
Vient de paraître (août 2013) l’ouvrage en l’honneur de Pierre Hadot, Philosophy as a Way of Life : Ancients and Moderns, une collection d’études consacrée à la philosophie comme manière de vivre et éditée par Michael Chase, Stephen R. L. Clark et Michael McGhee. L’ensemble des articles prolonge la réflexion de Pierre Hadot sur la philosophie comme manière de vivre et la permanence des exercices spirituels, non seulement dans le cas de la philosophie antique, mais aussi en ce qui concerne la philosophie moderne et contemporaine.
Voici la table des matières:
Notes on Contributors vii
Foreword by John H. Spencer xiii
1 Introduction 1
Michael Chase
2 Ancient Philosophers: A First Statistical Survey 10
Richard Goulet
(Color plate section is between page 32 and 33)
3 Philosophy as a Way of Life: As Textual and More Than Textual Practice 40
Richard Shusterman
4 Charismatic Authority, Spiritual Guidance, and Way of Life in the Pythagorean Tradition 57
Constantinos Macris
5 Alcibiades’ Love 84
Jan Zwicky
6 Stoics and Bodhisattvas: Spiritual Exercise and Faith in Two Philosophical Traditions 99
Matthew T. Kapstein
7 Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from the Buddha to Tagore 116
Jonardon Ganeri
8 Approaching Islamic Philosophical Texts: Reading Mulla Sadra Sirazi (d. 1635) with Pierre Hadot 132
Sajjad H. Rizvi
9 Philosophy and Self-improvement: Continuity and Change in Philosophy’s Self-conception from the Classical to the Early-modern Era 148
John Cottingham
10 Descartes’ Meditations: Practical Metaphysics: The Father of Rationalism in the Tradition of Spiritual Exercises 167
Theodor Kobusch
11 Leading a Philosophical Life in Dark Times: The Case of Leonard Nelson and His Followers 184
Fernando Leal
12 Philosophy as a Way of Life and Anti-philosophy 210
Gwena¨elle Aubry
13 Philosophy and Gestalt Psychotherapy 223
Paul O’Grady
14 Wittgenstein’s Temple: Or How Cool is Philosophy? 241
Michael McGhee
15 Observations on Pierre Hadot’s Conception of Philosophy as a Way of Life 262
Michael Chase
Bibliography 287
Index 311
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